Tuesday 25 January 2011

Moonphases chain

Read all about it on Amulets by Merlin's Blog 
You will love to buy one of these from Merlin!
Moon Phase Chain

In Astrology, those born under different Lunar phases(Lunation) are said to have specific qualities:

Within the first quarter: (similar to Aries) they will probably prefer to take the initiative and will be ready to look for new interests in life, new people and new ideas.

In the second quarter: (similar to Leo) The person will be locked into their goals and have a strong need to create a legacy. They have a charisma drawing others to them, but instinctively use others rather than help them.

In the Third quarter or Full Moon: (like Libra) The person will need friendships, colleagues and relationships, and will relate well to others; easily able to achieve a balance between want and need. They will either be drawn to highly successful people or achieve success; both with the help of others.

In the third quarter (like Capricorn) they will often have clairvoyant insight and follow hunches rather than be logical; and will finish projects others start; reorganizing and sorting out problems left by others.
Many civilizations have relied on a lunar calender. In China, the ideas are broken down to seven and a half day patterns

First quarter (new): The first quarter symbolizes birth, renewal, sowing and awakening, and is associated with spring.

Second quarter (waxing): The second quarter symbolizes potency, maturity, full growth and development, and is associated with summer.

Third quarter (full): The third quarter symbolizes organization, harvest, collection and storage, and is associated with autumn.

Fourth quarter (waning): The fourth quarter symbolizes completion, conclusion, hibernation and rest, and is associated with winter.

Much is written on the subject and include nodes, mansions or nakshatras, lunation and so on. For those who love Luna in her many aspects, I have created the Moon Phase Chain. Each link is carved front and back with craters representing the lunar surface, each in a phase: full, waxing and waning, gibbous and crescent. I make a variety of sizes from earrings and bracelets to full necklaces and belly chains.

Support a great artist and buy one from Merlin -

"If you would like a Moon Phase chain made for you, please visit Merlins website featuring the Moon Phase Chain as a bracelet or longer as necklaces."

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