Wednesday 26 January 2011

Link: Lovespells....

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Love Spell to Find Your Soul Connection

This article was written by Ileana Abrev
posted under Pagan

Once in every lifetime we meet a very special person and with that person we make an indescribable connection, a connection so strong that it draws you together. You can't possibly imagine your life without that person. This connection is the recognition of souls who have shared numerous lifetimes and have learned and grown spiritually together. With this spell you will find and keep that connection.
You will need:
  • 1 bag of pink cotton balls
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 decanter of fresh water
  • 1 bowl of soil
On Wednesday night go out into your backyard when the full moon is out. Make sure there is no wind. Then,whitespells make a large semi-circle around you with the pink cotton balls, and as you do this have visions of the soul who you know is your soul mate. After you have done this, stay in the center of the love circle you have just created. In the middle of the circle and at your feet dig a small, deep enough to keep your candle balanced, then light it and say:
"Light of day, light of night
Search for my soul mate in the flames
of this candle this night."
Then, let water from the decanter spill on the ground four tiems, each time saying: "Across the seas find the one that is also looking for me."
Now, grab a handful of dirt. Let the dirt spill on the ground four times, each time saying: "Across land, deserts, and mountains, find my soul mate."
Once you've finished, sit on the ground with the candle burning just in front of you. Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a bird flying over mountains, water, and land looking for your soul mate, who will soon come to light.
from White Spells for Love, by Ileana Abrev
Ileana AbrevIleana Abrev
Originally from Cuba, Ileana Abrev now lives in Sydney, Australia, where she is the manager of three well-known retail outlets. She has built a reputation for herself as a respected white witch among her customers and clients. With knowledge passed down...  Read more

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