Tuesday 25 January 2011

How to find the perfect magical teacher

Read about it on http://ellendugan.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-to-find-perfect-witchcraft-teacher.html


Everyone wants to find a “perfect” teacher. They can even visualize the ideal individual… This teacher of course will be on call 24/7, answer every possible question the student may have, tell the student exactly what to do in every situation, be gifted with the patience of a saint, have the wisdom of the ages at their very fingertips, posses the humor of a stand up comedienne,  and probably look like the teaching staff at Hogwarts....................
In my mind, there needs to be a way for the students to connect the magickal topic of the class with their own lives. So, I also incorporate a lot of humor. That is just my personal style. If my students laugh and have a good time while they are learning, then I feel that I have done what I set out to do. They absorbed the information, they will apply it into their life and best of all, they will remember the lesson. To me if a student says “I learned so much and it was fun!” then I feel I have done my job well.

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